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  • Centro De Investigacao E Pesquisa Em Economia Publica E | CIRIEC Brasil

    publications Discover our publications. ​ ARTICLES ​ CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America SELECTED ARTICLES FOR PUBLICATION Check the list of articles selected for publication via CIRIEC Brasil and IPEA partnership! Access by clicking here . All items: Click here . ​ ​ REPORTS ​ Meet the reports. Click here . ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

  • Centro De Investigacao E Pesquisa Em Economia Publica E | CIRIEC Brasil

    events I Brazilian Congress of Social, Solidarity and Cooperative Economy FROM AUGUST 24 TO 26, 2022 Simpósio Internacional, Tessalônica (Grécia) entre 22 e 23 de maio de 2023. O simpósio internacional será organizado pelo CIRIEC Internacional e o The Social Economy Institute, e tem como foco realizar um encontro para debate sobre as principais agendas de trabalho (praticantes e acadêmicos) da Economia Social e Solidária. Mesmo sendo um evento aberto para participação, seu design é mais aproximado aos congressos do CIRIEC que tem como foco um debate político-institucional e de articulação. As línguas de trabalho no evento serão inglês, francês e grego. ​ Mais informações: ​ Congresso Internacional CIRIEC Costa Rica, realizado entre 19 e 21 de julho de 2023 (híbrido). O evento que continua a estratégia da organização de eventos regionais, iniciado com o World Conference CIRIEC realizado pelo Ciriec Brasil em 2021. Com o tema “A Economia Social no desenvolvimento das sociedades latino-americanas” o CIRIEC Costa Rica lidera este congresso que reunirá importante debate sobre o tema no continente americano. Importante: Chamada de trabalhos aberta até 30 de abril de 2023. ​ Mais informações: 9º Conferência Internacional de Pesquisa em Economia Social, Seul (Coréia do Sul) entre 04 e 06 de julho de 2023. Com o tema “Construindo um futuro melhor: Economia Social e Solidária por um mundo pacífico e justo” o CIRIEC Coréia do Sul sediará a conferência acadêmica do CIRIEC Internacional. Ao todo são 10 linhas temáticas abordadas no evento que contará com os keynote speakers Katherine Gibson (Western Sidney University), I Brazilian Congress of Social, Solidarity and Cooperative Economy Federal University of Rio de Janeiro August 24, 2022 - August 26, 2022 The 1st Brazilian Congress of Social and Solidarity Economy and Cooperativism will be held by the Faculty of Administration and Accounting Sciences of UFRJ, aiming to discuss Social and Solidarity Economy, Public Economy and Cooperativism, in Brazil and Latin America. ​ The purpose of the event is to discuss new paths for this movement, aimed at generating work and income for the most vulnerable populations, due to the crisis caused by the global pandemic of COVID-19, which has brought a significant worsening of economic and social indicators around the world. . ​ The Congress will be held from August 24 to 26, 2022, at the University Palace, in Praia Vermelha. It will take place in a hybrid way, in order to allow participants who are not yet able to get around at the time and act in person, to participate in the activities and expand the possibilities of knowledge exchange that will take place in the State of Rio de Janeiro. ​ Overview The objective of the Congress is in line with Brazil's National Science and Technology Policy, notably with regard to encouraging research and its subsequent dissemination. ​ The target audience is researchers, teachers, students from Brazil, Latin American countries and other countries, public agents, members of the public power, entrepreneurs and civil society interested in the theme of Public, Social, Solidarity and Cooperativism. ​ The Congress will be held from August 24 to 26, 2022, at the University Palace, in Praia Vermelha. It will take place in a hybrid way, in order to allow participants who are not yet able to get around at the time and act in person, to participate in the activities and expand the possibilities of knowledge exchange that will take place in the State of Rio de Janeiro. ​ For more information, access the event website at the link: O I Congresso Brasileiro de Economia Social, Solidária e Cooperativismo será realizado pela Faculdade de Administração e Ciências Contábeis da UFRJ, visando discutir Economia Social e Solidária, Economia Pública e Cooperativismo, no Brasil e na América Latina. ​ A proposta do evento é discutir novos caminhos para este movimento, voltado a geração de trabalho e renda a populações mais vulneráveis, em função da crise provocada pela pandemia global da COVID-19, que trouxe pioria significativa dos indicadores econômicos e sociais em todo o mundo. ​ O Congresso será realizado no período de 24 a 26 de agosto de 2022, no Palácio Universitário, na Praia Vermelha. Ocorrerá de forma híbrida, a fim de permitir que os participantes que ainda não puderem se locomover na ocasião e atuar presencialmente, possam participar das atividades e ampliar as possibilidades de troca de conhecimentos que acontecerá no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Visão Geral O objetivo do Congresso está alinhado com a Política Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia do Brasil, notadamente no que diz respeito ao incentivo à realização das pesquisas e sua posterior divulgação. ​ O público-alvo são os pesquisadores, docentes, discentes do Brasil, dos países da América Latina e outros países, agentes públicos, membros do poder público, empresários e sociedade civil interessada na temática da Economia Pública, Social, Solidária e Cooperativismo. ​ O Congresso será realizado no período de 24 a 26 de agosto de 2022, no Palácio Universitário, na Praia Vermelha. Ocorrerá de forma híbrida, a fim de permitir que os participantes que ainda não puderem se locomover na ocasião e atuar presencialmente, possam participar das atividades e ampliar as possibilidades de troca de conhecimentos que acontecerá no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. ​ Para mais informações acesse o site do evento no link: Clique aqui para baixar a programação em PDF Stay on top of everything that happened at the CIRIEC Word Conference in Latin America Check out our playlist with videos of lectures and working groups. CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America SELECTED ARTICLES FOR PUBLICATION Check the list of articles selected for publication via CIRIEC Brasil and IPEA partnership! Access by clicking here . ​ ​ CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America... Play Video Play Video 02:02:57 CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America - 1 - Abertura do Congresso + Palestra CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America - Dia 13/04/2021 Abertura e Palestra: “Economia Social e Solidária como modelo de desenvolvimento inclusivo, sustentável e resiliente em um mundo pós-Covid 19”. Palestrante: Ladislau Dowbor – BR - PUC São Paulo Coordenador: Daniel Menezes Play Video Play Video 01:22:41 CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America - 2 - Palestra + GT 4 Direito e Instituições Palestra Pesquisas internacionais sobre Economia Pública, Social e Cooperativa Palestrantes: Philippe Bance – FR - University of the French Antilles. Mário Radrigan – CL - Universidad de Santiago de Chile Marie J. Bouchard – CA - Université du Québec à Montréal Barbara Franchini - ITA - EURICSE Coordenador: Leandro Morais e GT 4 – Direito e instituições Coordenadores: Hernando Zabala (Universidad Luís Amigo) Ronaldo Chaves Gaudio (IBECOOP / PUC-MG) Urandi Roberto Paiva Freitas (Superintendência de Estudos Econômicos e Sociais da Bahia) Jose Cláudio Rocha (UNEB) Efson Batista Lima (Secretaria do Trabalho do Estado da Bahia e Faculdade 2 de Julho) Dia 14/04/2021 Play Video Play Video 01:59:14 CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America - 3 - Palestra + GT4 Direito e Instituições Palestra Pesquisas internacionais sobre Economia Pública, Social e Cooperativa Palestrantes: Philippe Bance – FR - University of the French Antilles. Mário Radrigan – CL - Universidad de Santiago de Chile Marie J. Bouchard – CA - Université du Québec à Montréal Barbara Franchini - ITA - EURICSE Coordenador: Leandro Morais e GT 4 – Direito e instituições Coordenadores: Hernando Zabala (Universidad Luís Amigo) Ronaldo Chaves Gaudio (IBECOOP / PUC-MG) Urandi Roberto Paiva Freitas (Superintendência de Estudos Econômicos e Sociais da Bahia) Jose Cláudio Rocha (UNEB) Efson Batista Lima (Secretaria do Trabalho do Estado da Bahia e Faculdade 2 de Julho) Dia 14/04/2021 Play Video Play Video 01:54:20 CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America - 4 - Pesquisas Internacionais sobre EES e Cooperativas Palestra Economia social e solidária, Desenvolvimento econômico local e Cooperação Sul Sul Palestrantes: Anita Amorim – SW - Organização Internacional do Trabalho Juan Fernando Alvaréz (Coord.) – CO - Pontifícia Universidad Javeriana (Colômbia) Heloísa Primavera - AR. Consejo Consultivo INAES (Instituto Nacional de Asociativismo y Economía Solidaria) Dia 14/04/2021 Play Video Play Video 02:20:53 CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America - 5 - GT 5 Movimentos Sociais e Redes de EES GT 5 – Movimentos sociais e redes de ESS COORDENADORES: Tatiana Ribeiro Velloso (UFRB) Bianca Lima Costa (UFV) Juan Carlos Prego (Universidade de Artemesia/ Cuba) Aline Mendonça (UCPel) Dia 14/04/2021 Play Video Play Video 02:07:28 CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America - 6 - GT 7 Avaliação de PP de ESS/ sala A GT 7 – Avaliação de políticas públicas de ESS ​ COORDENADORES: Rede de Gestores de Políticas Públicas de Economia Solidária - Milton Barbosa Filho (Superintendente da Economia Solidária do Estado da Bahia) Carmen Marcuello (Coordenadora de Trabalho e Economia Criativa e Solidária de Araraquara) Roberto Marinho Alves (UFRN) Ronalda Barreto (UNEB) Felipe Pateo (UnB) Luiz Filipe Goldfeder Reinecke (UDESC) Angela Schwengber Dia 14/04/2021 Play Video Play Video 01:59:45 CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America - 7-Construção da agenda org int + Novos Rumos da Gestão Palestra A construção da agenda de Economia Social e Solidária no âmbito dos organismos internacionais ​ Palestrantes: Roberto di Meglio – SW - Organização Internacional do Trabalho José Luis Monzón – ES - Universitat de València Coordenador: Leandro Morais e Palestra Novos Rumos da Gestão Cooperativa ​ Palestrantes​: Carmen Marcuello – ES - Universidad de Zaragoza Coordenador: Federico Li Bonilla – CR - Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica Dia 15/04/2021 Play Video Play Video 02:00:37 CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America - 8 - GT 11 Turismo e Meio Ambiente GT 11 – Turismo e meio ambiente ​ COORDENADORES: Marcelo Vilela de Almeida (USP) Roberto Cañedo Villareal (Univ. Autónoma de Guerrero) Francisca de Paula (UNEB) Thaise Costa Guzzatti (UFSC) Alberto Viana de Campos Filho (TBC-UFJF) Dia 15/04/2021 VIII International Congress of Research in Social Economy of CIRIEC September 8-10, 2021 - Learn more, click here .

  • Centro De Investigacao E Pesquisa Em Economia Publica E | CIRIEC Brasil

    events I Brazilian Congress of Social, Solidarity and Cooperative Economy FROM AUGUST 24 TO 26, 2022 I Brazilian Congress of Social, Solidarity and Cooperative Economy Federal University of Rio de Janeiro August 24, 2022 - August 26, 2022 The 1st Brazilian Congress of Social and Solidarity Economy and Cooperativism will be held by the Faculty of Administration and Accounting Sciences of UFRJ, aiming to discuss Social and Solidarity Economy, Public Economy and Cooperativism, in Brazil and Latin America. ​ The purpose of the event is to discuss new paths for this movement, aimed at generating work and income for the most vulnerable populations, due to the crisis caused by the global pandemic of COVID-19, which has brought a significant worsening of economic and social indicators around the world. . ​ The Congress will be held from August 24 to 26, 2022, at the University Palace, in Praia Vermelha. It will take place in a hybrid way, in order to allow participants who are not yet able to get around at the time and act in person, to participate in the activities and expand the possibilities of knowledge exchange that will take place in the State of Rio de Janeiro. ​ Overview The objective of the Congress is in line with Brazil's National Science and Technology Policy, notably with regard to encouraging research and its subsequent dissemination. ​ The target audience is researchers, teachers, students from Brazil, Latin American countries and other countries, public agents, members of the public power, entrepreneurs and civil society interested in the theme of Public, Social, Solidarity and Cooperativism. ​ The Congress will be held from August 24 to 26, 2022, at the University Palace, in Praia Vermelha. It will take place in a hybrid way, in order to allow participants who are not yet able to get around at the time and act in person, to participate in the activities and expand the possibilities of knowledge exchange that will take place in the State of Rio de Janeiro. ​ For more information, access the event website at the link: O I Congresso Brasileiro de Economia Social, Solidária e Cooperativismo será realizado pela Faculdade de Administração e Ciências Contábeis da UFRJ, visando discutir Economia Social e Solidária, Economia Pública e Cooperativismo, no Brasil e na América Latina. ​ A proposta do evento é discutir novos caminhos para este movimento, voltado a geração de trabalho e renda a populações mais vulneráveis, em função da crise provocada pela pandemia global da COVID-19, que trouxe pioria significativa dos indicadores econômicos e sociais em todo o mundo. ​ O Congresso será realizado no período de 24 a 26 de agosto de 2022, no Palácio Universitário, na Praia Vermelha. Ocorrerá de forma híbrida, a fim de permitir que os participantes que ainda não puderem se locomover na ocasião e atuar presencialmente, possam participar das atividades e ampliar as possibilidades de troca de conhecimentos que acontecerá no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Visão Geral O objetivo do Congresso está alinhado com a Política Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia do Brasil, notadamente no que diz respeito ao incentivo à realização das pesquisas e sua posterior divulgação. ​ O público-alvo são os pesquisadores, docentes, discentes do Brasil, dos países da América Latina e outros países, agentes públicos, membros do poder público, empresários e sociedade civil interessada na temática da Economia Pública, Social, Solidária e Cooperativismo. ​ O Congresso será realizado no período de 24 a 26 de agosto de 2022, no Palácio Universitário, na Praia Vermelha. Ocorrerá de forma híbrida, a fim de permitir que os participantes que ainda não puderem se locomover na ocasião e atuar presencialmente, possam participar das atividades e ampliar as possibilidades de troca de conhecimentos que acontecerá no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. ​ Para mais informações acesse o site do evento no link: Clique aqui para baixar a programação em PDF Stay on top of everything that happened at the CIRIEC Word Conference in Latin America Check out our playlist with videos of lectures and working groups. CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America SELECTED ARTICLES FOR PUBLICATION Check the list of articles selected for publication via CIRIEC Brasil and IPEA partnership! Access by clicking here . ​ ​ CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America... Play Video Play Video 02:02:57 CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America - 1 - Abertura do Congresso + Palestra CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America - Dia 13/04/2021 Abertura e Palestra: “Economia Social e Solidária como modelo de desenvolvimento inclusivo, sustentável e resiliente em um mundo pós-Covid 19”. Palestrante: Ladislau Dowbor – BR - PUC São Paulo Coordenador: Daniel Menezes Play Video Play Video 01:22:41 CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America - 2 - Palestra + GT 4 Direito e Instituições Palestra Pesquisas internacionais sobre Economia Pública, Social e Cooperativa Palestrantes: Philippe Bance – FR - University of the French Antilles. Mário Radrigan – CL - Universidad de Santiago de Chile Marie J. Bouchard – CA - Université du Québec à Montréal Barbara Franchini - ITA - EURICSE Coordenador: Leandro Morais e GT 4 – Direito e instituições Coordenadores: Hernando Zabala (Universidad Luís Amigo) Ronaldo Chaves Gaudio (IBECOOP / PUC-MG) Urandi Roberto Paiva Freitas (Superintendência de Estudos Econômicos e Sociais da Bahia) Jose Cláudio Rocha (UNEB) Efson Batista Lima (Secretaria do Trabalho do Estado da Bahia e Faculdade 2 de Julho) Dia 14/04/2021 Play Video Play Video 01:59:14 CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America - 3 - Palestra + GT4 Direito e Instituições Palestra Pesquisas internacionais sobre Economia Pública, Social e Cooperativa Palestrantes: Philippe Bance – FR - University of the French Antilles. Mário Radrigan – CL - Universidad de Santiago de Chile Marie J. Bouchard – CA - Université du Québec à Montréal Barbara Franchini - ITA - EURICSE Coordenador: Leandro Morais e GT 4 – Direito e instituições Coordenadores: Hernando Zabala (Universidad Luís Amigo) Ronaldo Chaves Gaudio (IBECOOP / PUC-MG) Urandi Roberto Paiva Freitas (Superintendência de Estudos Econômicos e Sociais da Bahia) Jose Cláudio Rocha (UNEB) Efson Batista Lima (Secretaria do Trabalho do Estado da Bahia e Faculdade 2 de Julho) Dia 14/04/2021 Play Video Play Video 01:54:20 CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America - 4 - Pesquisas Internacionais sobre EES e Cooperativas Palestra Economia social e solidária, Desenvolvimento econômico local e Cooperação Sul Sul Palestrantes: Anita Amorim – SW - Organização Internacional do Trabalho Juan Fernando Alvaréz (Coord.) – CO - Pontifícia Universidad Javeriana (Colômbia) Heloísa Primavera - AR. Consejo Consultivo INAES (Instituto Nacional de Asociativismo y Economía Solidaria) Dia 14/04/2021 Play Video Play Video 02:20:53 CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America - 5 - GT 5 Movimentos Sociais e Redes de EES GT 5 – Movimentos sociais e redes de ESS COORDENADORES: Tatiana Ribeiro Velloso (UFRB) Bianca Lima Costa (UFV) Juan Carlos Prego (Universidade de Artemesia/ Cuba) Aline Mendonça (UCPel) Dia 14/04/2021 Play Video Play Video 02:07:28 CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America - 6 - GT 7 Avaliação de PP de ESS/ sala A GT 7 – Avaliação de políticas públicas de ESS ​ COORDENADORES: Rede de Gestores de Políticas Públicas de Economia Solidária - Milton Barbosa Filho (Superintendente da Economia Solidária do Estado da Bahia) Carmen Marcuello (Coordenadora de Trabalho e Economia Criativa e Solidária de Araraquara) Roberto Marinho Alves (UFRN) Ronalda Barreto (UNEB) Felipe Pateo (UnB) Luiz Filipe Goldfeder Reinecke (UDESC) Angela Schwengber Dia 14/04/2021 Play Video Play Video 01:59:45 CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America - 7-Construção da agenda org int + Novos Rumos da Gestão Palestra A construção da agenda de Economia Social e Solidária no âmbito dos organismos internacionais ​ Palestrantes: Roberto di Meglio – SW - Organização Internacional do Trabalho José Luis Monzón – ES - Universitat de València Coordenador: Leandro Morais e Palestra Novos Rumos da Gestão Cooperativa ​ Palestrantes​: Carmen Marcuello – ES - Universidad de Zaragoza Coordenador: Federico Li Bonilla – CR - Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica Dia 15/04/2021 Play Video Play Video 02:00:37 CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America - 8 - GT 11 Turismo e Meio Ambiente GT 11 – Turismo e meio ambiente ​ COORDENADORES: Marcelo Vilela de Almeida (USP) Roberto Cañedo Villareal (Univ. Autónoma de Guerrero) Francisca de Paula (UNEB) Thaise Costa Guzzatti (UFSC) Alberto Viana de Campos Filho (TBC-UFJF) Dia 15/04/2021 VIII International Congress of Research in Social Economy of CIRIEC September 8-10, 2021 - Learn more, click here .

  • Centro De Investigacao E Pesquisa Em Economia Publica E | CIRIEC Brasil

    publications publications Ver todas as publicações Anais Ciriec 2021 1st World Conference in Latin America CONFIRA AQUI! No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

  • Centro De Investigacao E Pesquisa Em Economia Publica E | CIRIEC Brasil

    Apresentação Institutional PRESENTATION / HISTORY ​ The CIRIEC, originally called the “International Center for Research and Information on Collective Economy” (Centre International de Recherches et d'Information sur l'Economie Collective) is an international non-profit organization, formally constituted in 1947 by Professor Edgard Milhaud - professor French economics at the University of Geneva (Switzerland). The history of CIRIEC, however, begins earlier, in 1908, with the foundation by Edgard Milhaud of the magazine “Anais de Economia Coletiva”, and creates the CIRIEC to ensure its continuity. With the active help of Swiss friends, Milhaud kept the CIRIEC in Geneva until 1957, when it was transferred to the city of Liège, Belgium. Professor Paul Lambert became director of CIRIEC and later its president. After Paul Lambert's death in 1977, Professor Guy Quaden became director of CIRIEC until 1990, when the administration of CIRIEC International began to adopt fixed-term administration of two years. Currently the director is the French Alain Arnauld and the general director is the Belgian Bernard Thiry. Due to its international nature, academic institutions from Germany, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Spain, France, Japan, Mexico, Portugal, Tunisia, Turkey are part of CIRIEC Internacional. More recently (as of 2015), Brazil. In addition to bringing together academics, it also has public companies, cooperatives and mutual institutions as partners - credit unions, insurance and private pensions, which are very common in Europe. CIRIEC Brasil (symbolic name) has as its official name - Center for Research and Research in Public and Social Economy and was founded on June 13, 2015 and has as president Dimas Alcides Gonçalves, professor of economics at PUC-Campinas and, as vice presidents Daniel Francisco Nagao Menezes, professor of the Graduate Program in Political and Economic Law at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie and; Leandro Pereira Morais, professor of economics at the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ MISSION ​ As a mission, CIRIEC seeks, through the structuring, production, dissemination and exchange of research and scientific studies, to develop and support academic works and support for public management, focused on two themes: a) public services; and b) Social/Solidarity Economy and Cooperativism. Both areas are organized in international scientific committees, contributing to these committees more than 350 active specialists, both in their respective universities, study centers, cooperatives; as well as public companies. The objective of CIRIEC is to promote the search for information, scientific research and the publication of works on sectors and activities aimed at the general interest: public authorities, public services, public companies, cooperatives, self-managed companies, associations and other associations and forms of economy. Social. To improve the dissemination and sharing of information related to the above mentioned topics, CIRIEC International's collaborating expert body has structured AGORA - , an interactive and collaborative multilingual knowledge tool. In addition, as an effort to disseminate information, CIRIEC, together with the University of Liège, structured a Documentation Center. The documentation center is open to all CIRIEC members, but also to researchers, professors and students. CIRIEC International has two types of international events. The International Congresses, which take place in even years, the last ones being in Liège 2018, Reims 2016 and Buenos Aires 2014 (the previous congresses can be found on the CIRIEC International website), whose objective is the political and economic discussion of the directions of the economy and cooperativism in the world, with the participation of the main political authorities of the host country and the main authorities of companies and academic leaders. The next one will be in Valencia, Spain in June 2022. The second is the International Conference on Research in Social Economy, which takes place in odd-numbered years and, with the last edition taking place in Bucharest, Romania, in 2019. Previous editions were held in Manaus in 2017, Lisbon 2015 and Antwerp in 2013. The next Conference is expected to take place in San José, Costa Rica, in September 2021. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ BOARD ​ Coming soon. ​ Name - Role ​ Name - Role ​ Name - Role ​ Name - Role ​ Name - Role ​ Name - Role ​ ​ ​ ​ MISSÃO ​ Como missão, o CIRIEC busca, através da estruturação, produção, divulgação e intercâmbio de pesquisas e estudos científicos, desenvolver e apoiar trabalhos acadêmicos e de apoio à gestão público, voltados a dois temas: a) serviços públicos; e b) Economia Social / Solidária e Cooperativismo. Ambas as áreas são organizadas em comitês científicos internacionais, contribuindo para esses comitês mais de 350 especialistas ativos, tanto em suas respectivas universidades, centros de estudo, cooperativas; bem como empresas públicas. O objetivo do CIRIEC é promover a busca de informações, pesquisas científicas e a publicação de trabalhos sobre setores e atividades voltados para o interesse geral: poder público, serviços públicos, empresas públicas, cooperativas, empresas autogestionárias, associações e outras associações e formas de economia social. Para melhorar a disseminação e o compartilhamento de informações relacionadas aos tópicos mencionados acima, o corpo de especialistas colaboradores do CIRIEC Internacional estruturou o AGORA - , uma ferramenta de conhecimento multilíngue interativa e colaborativa. Além disso, como um esforço para disseminar as informações, o CIRIEC, em conjunto com a Universidade de Liège, estruturou um Centro de Documentação. O centro de documentação está aberto a todos os membros do CIRIEC, mas também a pesquisadores, professores e estudantes. O CIRIEC Internacional possui dois tipos de eventos internacionais. Os Congressos Internacionais, que ocorrem em anos pares, sendo os últimos em Liège 2018, Reims 2016 e, Buenos Aires 2014 (os congressos anteriores podem ser encontrados na página do CIRIEC Internacional), cujo objetivo é a discussão política e econômica dos rumos da economia social e do cooperativismo no mundo, participando desses eventos as principais autoridades políticas do país sede e as principais autoridades das empresas e dos líderes acadêmicos. O próximo será em Valência, Espanha, em junho de 2022. O segundo é a Conferência Internacional de Pesquisa em Economia Social, que ocorre em anos ímpares e, com a última edição ocorreu em Bucareste, Romênia, em 2019. As edições anteriores foram realizadas em Manaus em 2017, Lisboa 2015 e, Antuérpia em 2013. A previsão é que a próxima Conferência ocorra em San José da Costa Rica, em setembro de 2021. Saiba mais Daniel Francisco Nagao Menezes Presidente do Ciriec Brasi DIRETORIA ​ Daniel Francisco Nagao Menezes Presidente ​ Eliane Ribeiro Pereira 1ª Vice-presidente ​ Leandro Pereira Morais 2ª Vice-presidente ​ Dayvid Souza Santos Tesoureiro ​ Ronaldo Chaves Gáudio Secretário ​ Sandro Pereira da Silva Conselho Científico ​ Luiz Filipe Goldfeder Reinecke Conselho Comunicação ​ Miguel Juan Bacic Conselho Fiscal Titular ​ Julia da Silva Gutierrez Ruiz Conselho Fiscal Titular ​ Ana Beatriz Alves de Lima Conselho Fiscal Titular ​ Vitória Carolina de Oliveira Cavalcanti Conselho Fiscal Suplente ​ Amanda Krishna Cardoso de Oliveira Conselho Fiscal Suplente ​ Dimas Alcides Gonçalves Conselho Fiscal Suplente Missão Diretoria

  • Centro De Investigacao E Pesquisa Em Economia Publica E | CIRIEC Brasil

    CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America Brazil - 13 to 16 April 2021 Social and solidarity economy as an inclusive, sustainable and resilient development model in a post-Covid world 19 EDITORIAL EDITAL SELECTED ARTICLES FOR PUBLICATION Congratulations to the participants! Check the list of articles selected for publication via the CIRIEC Brazil and IPEA partnership! Articles selected for publication Abstracts of approved articles, click here Download the notice here Submit your article summary SCHEDULE CRONOGRAMA Abstract submission (Abstract with up to 300 words) Result of approved abstracts (We will publish here on our website) Presentation oral modality (In the respective GTs, during the event) Full article submission (Files with a maximum of 15 pages) Until March 31, 2021 April 4, 2021 Between April 14 and 16, 2021 Submit by May 7 from 2021 PROGRAMMING APRIL 13 16:00 - 17:00 Opening of the event - Open videoconference PARTICIPANTS Bernard Thiry Director General of CIRIEC International Europe and Latin America Integration Challenges President CIRIEC Brazil Challenges for the Social and Solidarity Economy in Latin America 17:00 - 18:00 Lecture: “Social and Solidarity Economy as an inclusive, sustainable and resilient development model in a post-Covid world 19”. SPEAKERS Ladislau Dowbor - BR - PUC São Paulo Coordinator: Daniel Menezes 18:30 - 21:00 WG 1 - Work and its multidimensions We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Caio Luis Chiariello (UFGD) Wagner Molina (UFSCAR) Nilton Vasconcelos Junior (IFBA) Gabriel Kraychete (UFRB) Roberto Di Meglio (ILO - Geneva) 18:30 - 21:00 WG 2 - (Auto) Management, marketing and entrepreneurship at ESS We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Sérgio Fonseca (UNESP - Araraquara) Rodolfo M. Gutierréz (Tijuana Technological Institute) Sibelle Diniz (UFMG) Alfredo Jairo dos Santos (SETRE / BA) Rosana Mara C. Rodrigues (UNEB) Leo Pinho (CNDH) 18:30 - 21:00 WG 3 - Innovation and Social Technology We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Rafael Dias (UNICAMP) Elias Ramos de Souza (IFBA) Graziela Ferrero Zucoloto (IPEA) Ana Licia Stopilha (UNEB) APRIL 14TH 8:00 - 10:00 Lecture International research on Public, Social and Cooperative Economics Speakers Philippe Bance - FR - University of the French Antilles. Mário Radrigan - CL - Universidad de Santiago de Chile Marie J. Bouchard - CA - Université du Québec à Montréal Barbara Franchini - ITA - EURICSE Coordinator: Leandro Morais 10:00 - 12:00 WG 4 - Law and institutions We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Hernando Zabala (Universidad Luís Amigo) Ronaldo Chaves Gaudio (IBECOOP / PUC-MG) Urandi Roberto Paiva Freitas (Superintendence of Economic and Social Studies of Bahia) Jose Cláudio Rocha (UNEB) Efson Batista Lima (Secretary of Labor of the State of Bahia and Faculdade 2 de Julho) WG 5 - Social movements and ESS networks We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Tatiana Ribeiro Velloso (UFRB) Bianca Lima Costa (UFV) Juan Carlos Prego (University of Artemesia / Cuba) Aline Mendonça (UCPel) WG 6 - Territorial development, ruralities and agroecology ​ COORDINATORS Miguel Juan Bacic (UNICAMP) Danilo Melo (UDESC) Kassia Aguiar Rios (UFRB) Anderson Souza Viana (UNEB) José Nunes (UFRP) 13:30 - 16:00 WG 7 - Evaluation of public ESS policies ​ COORDINATORS Milton Barbosa Filho - Network of Public Policy Managers of Solidarity Economy (Superintendent of the Solidarity Economy of the State of Bahia) Carmen Marcuello (Coordinator of Work and Creative and Solidarity Economy of Araraquara) Roberto Marinho Alves (UFRN) Ronalda Barreto (UNEB) Felipe Pateo (UnB) Luiz Filipe Goldfeder Reinecke (UDESC) Angela Schwengber WG 8 - Financing and solidarity finance practices We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Genauto França Filho (UFBA) José Alberto Pitacas (CIRIEC - Portugal) Leonardo Leal (UFAL) Elaine Araújo (UFF) WG 9 - Cooperative education ​ COORDINATORS José Amândio Barbosa Júnior (UNEB) María del Carmen Barragán Mendoza (Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero) Debora Nunes (UNEB) José Carlos Assunção (IBECOOP) 16:00 - 17:00 Lecture Social and solidarity economy, Local economic development and South-South cooperation ​ Speakers Anita Amorim - SW - International Labor Organization Juan Fernando Alvaréz (Coord.) - CO - Pontifical Universidad Javeriana (Colombia) Heloísa Primavera - AR. Consejo Consultivo INAES (National Institute of Asociativismo y Economía Solidaria) 17:00 - 18:00 Lecture Cooperative Education and Entrepreneurship ​ Speakers Roberto Cañedo - MX - Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero Eliane Ribeiro Pereira (Coord.) - BR - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Dalia Borges - ES - Escuela de Economía Social 18:15 - 18:50 Launch of the book “Panorama of the Solidary Economy in the southern coastal region of Bahia”, by Dayvid Souza We are a family owned and operated business. 19:00 - 21:00 Lecture A new economy for Latin America Speakers Silvio Caccia Bava - BR - Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil José Luis Coragio (Coord.) - AR - Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento ​ ​Coordinator: Dayvid dos Santos APRIL 15TH 8:00 - 9:00 Lecture The construction of the Social and Solidarity Economy agenda within the scope of international organizations ​ Speakers Roberto di Meglio - SW - International Labor Organization José Luis Monzón - ES - Universitat de València ​Coordinator: Leandro Morais 9:00 - 10:00 Lecture New Directions for Cooperative Management ​ Speakers ​ Carmen Marcuello - ES - Universidad de Zaragoza ​ ​Coordinator: Federico Li Bonilla - CR - State University at a distance from Costa Rica 10:00 - 12:30 WG 10 - Inequalities and generations in ESS (Gender and youth) ​ COORDINATORS ​ Suely Aldir Messeder (UNEB) Francisco Jorge de Oliveira Brito (UE-BA / CNEFE) Anne Sena (UNISOL) WG 11 - Tourism and environment We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Marcelo Vilela de Almeida (USP) Roberto Cañedo Villareal (Univ. Autónoma de Guerrero) Francisca de Paula (UNEB) Thaise Costa Guzzatti (UFSC) Alberto Viana de Campos Filho (TBC-UFJF) WG 12 - Internationalization of solidarity enterprises We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Marietta Buchelli (Pont. Univ. Javeriana de Colombia) Mario Radrigan (University of Santiago de Chile) 13:30 - 16:00 WG 13 - Theory of Cooperativism, Social and Solidarity Economy ​ COORDINATORS Daniel Francisco Nagao Menezes (Mackenzie Presbyterian University) Alan Freitas (UFV) Maurício Sardá (UFRPE) Camila Capacle - Network of Public Policy Managers of Solidarity Economy (Coordinator of Work and Creative and Solidarity Economy of Araraquara) GT 14 - Digital platforms and ESS We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATOR Leandro Pereira Morais (UNESP - Araraquara) Daniel Tygel (EITA Cooperative) Washington Franca Rocha (SECTI / BA) Grinaldo Oliveira (SECTI / BA) WG 15 - Experience reports, incubation practices and university extension We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Dayvid Souza Santos (Secretary of Labor of the State of Bahia and Metropolitan Faculty of Camaçari) Federico Li Bonilla (UNED Costa Rica) Jeova Torres Silva Junior (UFCA) Adriana dos Santos Marmori Lima (UNEB) Eliane Ribeiro Pereira (UFRJ) 16:00 - 17:00 Lecture Management and Extension in Social and Solidarity Economy ​ Speakers Grisell Reyes Nunez - PR - Universidad de Puerto Rico Camila Capacle (Network of Managers and Coordination of Work and Creative and Solidarity Economy of Araraquara, SP) Luiz Filipe Goldfeder Reinecke (Coord.) - BR - Santa Catarina State University 17:00 - 18:00 Lecture on South American Cooperative Law ​ Speakers Tatiana Vanessa González Rivera - MX - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Ronaldo Chaves Gáudio (Coord.) - BR - Special Committee on Cooperatives of the Federal Council of the OAB 18:00 - 20:00 Lecture Latin American Cooperativism within the framework of ECLAC: challenges and perspectives ​ Speaker Marco Dini - CL Danilo Salerno (ACI-Américas) Conversation with Latin American researchers from the ECLAC / ACI Americas Project on cooperatives in the region ​ Coordinator: Leandro Morais 20:00 - 21:00 Lecture Institutional challenges for the Social and Solidarity Economy in Latin America ​ Speakers Daniel Francisco Nagao Menezes - BR - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Leandro Pereira Morais - (coordin.) BR - UNESP ​ Coordinator: Leandro Morais APRIL 16 8:00 - 10:30 WG 16 - Implementation and measurement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Sandro Pereira Silva (IPEA) Juan Fernando Álvarez (Pont. Univ. Javeriana de Colombia) Ana Milena Silva Valencia (Universidad ICESI) Alair Freitas (UFV) WG 17 - Black Entrepreneurship We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Eliene dos Anjos (UFRB) Tatiana Silva (IPEA) Sergio São Bernardo (UNEB) Edilene Machado Pereira (Fund. Viscount of Cairu) Ivonete da Silva Lopes (UFV) WG 18 - Culture and Creative Economy ​ COORDINATORS Luciana Lima Guilherme (ESPM / RJ) Daniele Canedo (UFRB) Karine Queiroz (UNILA) Sahada Josephina Luedy (SECTI) Neantro Saavedra Rivano (UNB) 10:30 - 12:00 Closing - Open videoconference ​ COORDINATORS Davidson de Magalhães Santos - State Secretary for Labor, Employment, Income and Sport. Daniel Francisco Nagao Menezes - CIRIEC Brasil José Luis Monzón Campos - CIRIEC Espanha José Pablo Puzino - CIRIEC Argentina Hernando Zabala - CIRIEC Colombia Federico Li Bonilla - CIRIEC Costa Rica Roberto Cañedo Villareal - CIRIEC Mexico PROGRAMACAO INSCRICAO REGISTRATION Participate in the CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America | Brazil - 13 to 16 April 2021 Sign up with the promotional value until April 5th! - 50% discount for participants from Latin American countries and the Caribbean - Quick View Professionals Are you from Brazil, LA countries and the Caribbean? Add to Cart Quick View Graduate students Are you from Brazil, LA countries and the Caribbean? Add to Cart Quick View Undergraduate student Are you from Brazil, LA countries and the Caribbean? Add to Cart Quick View Members of partner ventures Are you from Brazil, LA countries and the Caribbean? Add to Cart Delivery policy | Return and refund policy Affiliated to Latin American CIRIEC´s View Details Join CIRIEC Brasil and have full access to the event R$200.00 Price View Details STAY IN sign up Submit Thanks for sending!

  • Cópia: CIRIEC Brasil | CIRIEC Brasil

    CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America Brazil - 13 to 16 April 2021 Social and solidarity economy as an inclusive, sustainable and resilient development model in a post-Covid world 19 EDITORIAL> EDITAL CALL FOR WORKING GROUPS By March 15, 2021, a summary of the work must be submitted Check the call notice! Stay on top of the themes and deadlines for submitting and sending papers. Download the notice here Submit your project summary SCHEDULE> CRONOGRAMA Abstract submission Until March 15, 2021 Presentation oral modality Between April 14 and 16, 2021 Result of approved abstracts Until March 23 from 2021 Full article submission Until April 30 from 2021 APRIL 14TH 8:00 am - 10:00 am Closed video conference ACTIVITY (to be confirmed) Philippe Bance - FR (to be confirmed) Luis Antero Reto - PT (to be confirmed) Mário Radrigan - CL (to be confirmed) Marie J. Bouchard - CA We are a family owned and operated business. PARTICIPANT International research on Public, Social and Cooperative Economics and CIRIEC International. 10:00 - 12:00 WG 4 - Law and institutions ACTIVITY Closed working group for event participants. We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Hernando Zabala (Universidad Luís Amigo) - CO Urandi Roberto Paiva Freitas (Superintendence of Economic and Social Studies of Bahia and Salvador University) - BR Jose Cláudio Rocha - UNEB - BR Efson Batista Lima (Secretary of Labor of the State of Bahia and Faculdade 2 de Julho) - BR WG 5 - Social movements and ESS networks ACTIVITY Closed working group for event participants. We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Tatiana Ribeiro Velloso (UFRB) - BR Bianca Lima Costa (UFV) - BR Juan Carlos Prego - Artemesia University / Anec - CU WG 6 - Territorial development, ruralities and agroecology ACTIVITY Closed working group for event participants. We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Leandro Pereira Morais (UNESP - Araraquara) - BR Miguel Juan Bacic (UNICAMP) - BR Luiz Filipe Goldfeder Reinecke (UDESC) - BR Kassia Aguiar Rios - UFRB - BR 13:30 - 16:00 WG 7 - Evaluation of public ESS policies ACTIVITY Closed working group for event participants. We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Sandro Pereira Silva (IPEA-RJ) - BR Milton Barbosa Filho (Superintendent of the Solidarity Economy of the State of Bahia) - BR Prof. Dr. Carmen Marcuello (Universidad de Zaragoza) - ES Roberto Marinho - UFRN - BR Ronalda Barreto - UNEB - BR WG 8 - Financing and solidarity finance practices ACTIVITY Closed working group for event participants. We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Genauto França Filho (UFBA) - BR José Alberto Pitacas (CIRIEC - Portugal) - PT Leonardo Leal (UFAL) - BR Maurício Sardá - UFRP - BR WG 9 - Cooperative education ACTIVITY Closed working group for event participants. We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS José Amândio Barbosa Júnior (UNEB) - BR Jimmy Peixe Mc Intyre (UFRPE) - BR María del Carmen Barragán Mendoza (Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero) - MX Debora Nunes - UNEB - BR 16:00 - 17:00 Closed conference call We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS (to be confirmed) Juan Fernando Alvaréz - CO (to be confirmed) Leandro Pereira Morais - BR We are a family owned and operated business. THEME Territorial Development and Solidarity Economy 17:00 - 18:00 Closed conference call We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS (to be confirmed) Roberto Cañedo - MX (to be confirmed) Eliane Ribeiro Pereira - BR (to be confirmed) Dalia Borges - ES We are a family owned and operated business. THEME Cooperative Education and Entrepreneurship 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Closed conference call We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS (to be confirmed) Ladislau Dowbor - BR (to be confirmed) José Luis Coragio - CL We are a family owned and operated business. THEME A new economy for Latin America APRIL 15TH 8:00 - 9:00 Closed conference call We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS (to be confirmed) Roberto di Meglio - SW (to be confirmed) José Luis Monzón - ES We are a family owned and operated business. THEME The construction of the Social and Solidarity Economy agenda within the scope of international organizations Closed conference call We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS (to be confirmed) Federico Li Bonilla - CR (to be confirmed) José Pitacas - PT We are a family owned and operated business. THEME New Directions for Cooperative Management 10:00 - 12:30 WG 10 - Inequalities and generations in ESS (Gender and youth) We are a family owned and operated business. ACTIVITY Closed working group for event participants. We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Karine Queiroz (UNILA) - BR Suely Aldir Messeder (UNEB) - BR Sidney Lemos Junior - (IBGE) - BR Carolina Cherfem (UFSC) - BR Anne Sena - UNISOL - BR Aline Lima - INSTITUTO PACS - BR José Nunes - UFRP - BR WG 11 - Tourism and environment We are a family owned and operated business. ACTIVITY Closed working group for event participants. We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Marcelo Vilela de Almeida (USP) - BR Roberto Cañedo Villareal (Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero) - MX Francisca de Paula - UNEB - BR Thaise Costa Guzzatti - UFSC - BR Alberto Viana de Campos Filho - INCRA - BR WG 12 - Internationalization of solidarity enterprises We are a family owned and operated business. ACTIVITY Closed working group for event participants. We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Roberto Di Meglio (ILO - Geneva) - SW Marietta Buchelli (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia) - CO Maria Radrigan - University of Santiago de Chile - CL 13:30 - 16:00 WG 13 - Theory of Cooperativism, Social and Solidarity Economy We are a family owned and operated business. ACTIVITY Closed working group for event participants. We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Luiz Ignácio Gaiger (UNISINOS) - BR Daniel Francisco Nagao Menezes (Mackenzie Presbyterian University) - BR GT 14 - Digital platforms and ESS We are a family owned and operated business. ACTIVITY Closed working group for event participants. We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATOR Daniel Tygel (EITA Cooperative) - BR WG 15 - Experience reports, incubation practices and university extension We are a family owned and operated business. ACTIVITY Closed working group for event participants. We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Dayvid Souza Santos (Secretary of Labor of the State of Bahia and Metropolitan Faculty of Camaçari) - BR Camila Capacle (Coordination of Solidarity Economy of Araraquara) - BR Federico Li Bonilla (UNED Costa Rica) - CR Jeova Torres Silva Junior (UFCA) - BR Adriana Lima - UNEB - BR 16:00 - 17:00 Closed conference call We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS (to be confirmed) Grisell Reyes Nunez - PR (to be confirmed) Luiz Filipe Goldfeder Reinecke - BR We are a family owned and operated business. THEME Management and Extension in Social and Solidarity Economy 17:00 - 18:00 Closed conference call We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS (to be confirmed) Tatiana Vanessa González Rivera - MX (to be confirmed) Daniel Francisco Nagao Menezes - BR We are a family owned and operated business. THEME South American Cooperative Law 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Closed conference call We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATOR (to be confirmed) Marco Dini - CL We are a family owned and operated business. THEME ECLAC 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Closed conference call We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS (to be confirmed) Graciela Fernandez - CR (to be confirmed) Ronaldo Chaves Gáudio - BR We are a family owned and operated business. THEME ICA Americas and the Solidarity Economy APRIL 16 8:00 am - 10:30 am WG 16 - Implementation and measurement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) We are a family owned and operated business. ACTIVITY Closed working group for event participants. We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Juan Fernando Álvarez (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia) - CO Ana Milena Silva (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia) - CO Alair Freitas (UFV) - BR Leo Pinho - CNDH - BR WG 17 - Black Entrepreneurship We are a family owned and operated business. ACTIVITY Closed working group for event participants. We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Eliene dos Anjos –UFRB - BR Tatiana Silva (IPEA) - BR Sergio São Bernardo - SETRE - BR Edilene Machado Pereira - Visconde de Cairu Foundation - BR WG 18 - Culture and Creative Economy We are a family owned and operated business. ACTIVITY Closed working group for event participants. 10:30 - 12:00 Closing - Open videoconference We are a family owned and operated business. COORDINATORS Davidson de Magalhães Santos Graduated in Economics from the State University of Santa Cruz (Uesc) and master in the same area from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBa). Professor at UNEB. State Secretary for Labor, Employment, Income and Sport. SECTI Alain Arnaud - CIREC France CIRIEC Brazil CIRIEC Colombia CIRIEC Argentina CIRIEC Costa Rica CIRIEC Mexico PROGRAMMING> PROGRAMACAO APRIL 13TH 16:00 - 17:00 Opening of the event - Open videoconference We are a family owned and operated business. 17:00 - 18:00 Open video conference Subscribe now! INSCRICAO REGISTRATION> Participate in the CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America | Brazil - 13 to 16 April 2021 Sign up with the promotional value until April 5th! - 50% discount for participants from Latin American countries and the Caribbean - Quick View Affiliated to Latin American CIRIEC´s Add to Cart Quick View Join CIRIEC Brasil and have full access to the event Choose your profile Add to Cart Quick View Professionals Are you from Brazil, LA countries and the Caribbean? Add to Cart Quick View Graduate students Are you from Brazil, LA countries and the Caribbean? Add to Cart Quick View Undergraduate student Are you from Brazil, LA countries and the Caribbean? Add to Cart Quick View Members of partner ventures Are you from Brazil, LA countries and the Caribbean? Add to Cart Join CIRIEC Brasil STAY IN sign up Submit Thanks for sending!

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    Join or renew your membership to CIRIEC Brasil. Pay the annual fee and fill in the form. CLICK HERE AND CHECK IT OUT! PUBLICATIONS | ARTICLES Check the list of articles selected for publication via CIRIEC Brasil and IPEA partnership! EVENTS I Brazilian Congress of Social, Solidarity and Cooperative Economy From 24th to 26th of August 2022 JOIN CIRIEC BRASIL Check the result of the approved abstracts! SEE MORE VIDEOS ON OUR CHANNEL

  • Centro De Investigacao E Pesquisa Em Economia Publica E | CIRIEC Brasil

    Join or renew your membership to CIRIEC Brasil. Pay the annual fee and fill in the form. CLICK HERE AND CHECK IT OUT! O CIRIEC, originalmente chamado de “Centro Internacional de Pesquisa e Informação sobre Economia Coletivo” (Centre International de Recherches et d’Information sur l’Economie Collective) é uma organização internacional sem fins lucrativos, constituída formalmente em 1947 pelo Professor Edgard Milhaud - professor Economia francesa na Universidade de Genebra (Suíça). A história do CIRIEC contudo, começa antes, em 1908, com a fundação por Edgard Milhaud da revista “Anais de Economia Coletiva”, e cria o CIRIEC para garantir sua continuidade. Com a ajuda ativa de amigos suíços, Milhaud manteve o CIRIEC em Genebra até 1957, quando é transferida para a cidade de Liège, na Bélgica JOIN CIRIEC BRASIL Check the result of the approved abstracts! SEE MORE VIDEOS ON OUR CHANNEL PUBLICAÇÕES No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

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    articles CIRIEC World Conference in Latin America SELECTED ARTICLES FOR PUBLICATION Check the list of articles selected for publication via CIRIEC Brasil and IPEA partnership! Access by clicking here . ​ ​

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